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MiMedx Is Issued Three New U.S. Patents For Placental Tissue Allografts

MiMedx Group, Inc. announced today its receipt of three newly issued patents related to tissue allografts derived from the placenta.

The U.S Patent Office has issued to MiMedx® U.S. Patent Number 8,409,626, "Placental Tissue Grafts" with a grant date of April 2, 2013. The U.S. Patent Office has also issued to MiMedx® U.S. Patent Number 8,460,715, "Placental Tissue Grafts" and U.S. Patent Number 8,460,716, "Method for Applying a Label to a Placental Tissue Graft", both with a grant date of June 11, 2013. The new patents relate to the Company's placental tissue allografts, including AmnioFix® and EpiFix® brand allografts.

Human amnion/chorion tissue is rich in cytokines and growth factors known to promote wound healing; however, preservation of the biological activities of therapeutic allografts during processing is challenging. The dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane tissue allografts ("dHACM") resulting from the MiMedx proprietary PURION® process have solved this challenge. PURION® processed dHACM retains biologically active growth factors and regulatory factors that are in part responsible for its clinical effectiveness in wound healing and other applications.

"We are pleased to have been granted three new patents during the second quarter of this year. These three newly issued patents now give us a total of eight dHACM-based U.S. patents that have been issued to MiMedx®," said Pete Petit, Chairman and CEO. "We are also pleased that our allografts from our proprietary AmnioFix® and EpiFix® technologies are continuing to gain excellent reception among the physician community and the private and public sector insurance carriers."

"We are being extremely diligent about the protection of our AmnioFix® and EpiFix® intellectual property. At our direction, our patent counsel is currently reviewing certain issues that have come to our attention related to potential infringement from competing products on our intellectual property. We will use all of the legal remedies and means available to be certain that our intellectual property is respected," added Petit.

Bill Taylor, President and COO, stated, "Our diligence in protecting our intellectual property is also evidenced by the fact that since the first of the year, we have filed more than 10 new applications for our amnion technology. Currently, we have in excess of 30 additional patent applications filed with the U.S. Patent Office relating to intellectual property of our AmnioFix® and EpiFix® technologies. We expect to be quite prolific in filing further patent applications related to our designs, methods and processes that preserve the critical anti-inflammatory, barrier, scar formation reduction and enhanced healing properties inherent in amniotic tissue."