Table Of Contents

The Entrepreneur's Dilemma

1. Management Concepts and Personal Development
2. The Tragedy
3. Participative Management
4. The Early Years
5. Growing Up and Going Public
6. Exciting Growth
7. Maturing
8. Martria Healthcare
9. Early History of MiMedx
10. Our Board of Directors
11. Whistleblowing and Short Selling Begin
12. Channel Stuffing and Revenue Recognition Accusations
13. Short Selling
  Photos and Figures
14. The Sally Yates Doctrine and the Whistleblower Laws
15. Protecting Short Selling
16. MiMedx is a Poster Child
17. Opportunists
18. MiMedx Proxy Contest
19. Contributing Factors to the Investigation
20. Accounting Matters
21. MiMedx's Allegations Against Executives
22. Government Charges Against Executives
23. Pre-trial Activities
24. The Trial
25. Incarceration
26. The Summary
The Entrepreneurs Dilemma - Table of Contents Cover page